My name is Kathleen and in 2006, as a non athletic mother of two and seeing the age of 40 looming on the horizon, I decided that it was time to finally get fit and healthy. I had tried several times in the past and would lose some weight only to quickly regain it, and more.
I had tried Weight Watchers several times before but never made it to the elusive Lifetime status. In 2007, I joined again and was determined that this time would be different, it had to be. During my first few weeks I found a fantastic personal trainer at and through Corinne’s awesome workout plans I was able to accomplish my dream of losing over 50 lbs and greater than that, 56 inches. I even ran my first half marathon in Las Vegas.
It was during my maintenance period at Weight Watchers that I decided I wanted to help people lose weight and more importantly, set and reach goals that they never dreamed they could do. I became a Weight Watchers leader in the fall of 2007. In 2008, I studied and became an ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer and started Phit4Life.
Phit4Life is an on-line personal training service and is geared towards back-to-basics fitness for people of all ages. We want to help you learn to eat right, exercise and set goals that you can work towards and achieve thus enabling you to live your life to the fullest.
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