Sunday, April 22, 2007

Food is for fuel first

Over the past weekend I've really started to know and understand that food is fuel for my body. I need certain types of food for it to run efficiently and I need it on a schedule.

My son and I went shopping yesterday and I had eaten my standard oatmeal and eggs in the morning before my workout. I had an Atkins bar a few hours later for my mid morning snack. I'm sure like clock work at 12:30 my tummy was growling saying feed me. I knew we had a few more things to do so I needed to stop and get some 'fuel'.

This had the potential of being a difficult situation. Lots of things available some more convient than others. Austin and I made our way to Panera Bread, his favorite for the broccoli soup. I chose Black Bean soup and a whole grain baguette. This was a great choice and in no time at all my tummy was feeling full and satisfied and ready for the rest of the day.

Don't forget whether you are eating at home, someone elses house or on the road. Fuel your body with good choices and allow it to continue to take good care of you.

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